1 Denial
2 Contemplation
3 Planning
4 Action
5 Maintenance
Unfortunately, due to the fact that we are all human, there is a stage 6. The bad thing about stage 6 is that it is a step backwards but the good thing about stage 6 is that we can nip straight back into stage 4 or 5 immediately without having to trawl through stages 1-3 first!
6 Relapse
Basically, if you hit stage 6, that's OK - it's a recognised stage. That means it isn't the end of the world. You can just say to yourself, 'OK, I had a cigarette or a drink or a cream bun, I couldn't be bothered to workout or walk today but do you know what? I can get straight back on it again right now! Not tomorrow, or next week or on Monday but RIGHT NOW!'
It's never all or nothing. Stage 6 feeds directly back into stage 4 or 5.
Let's have a closer look at these stages.
1 Denial
I don't need to change. Nothing is wrong. Everything is fine. Everyone else is a little mad but I am sane. Smoking is fine, drinking is fine, overeating and under-exercising is all just fine.
2 Contemplation
Perhaps there are a couple of improvements I could make. Maybe it's time to think about a few small changes. I might think about it.

I need to make a change. things cannot go on the way they are. I have bought the book, I have enrolled in that class, I have the nicotine patches and have poured the wine down the sink. I am ready to begin!
4 Action
I'm doing it! I have done a couple of classes - I ached! I have made positive changes to my nutrition, quit smoking, drinking, begun walking or running!
5 Maintenance
This is how I live. These small changes have added up to a new and better way of life. I am living what I believe in and I am seeing the positive changes!
6 Relapse
I had a bad weekend, it was my mate's birthday, barbecue, wedding, funeral. Things have taken a bit of a nose dive...
This is where I have invented a new stage: Stage 7 - it's called Real Life.
7 Real life
There are always going to be weddings, parties, funerals and barbecues.
Stage 7 is how you handle that.
When you sign up to K-Loss, I give you a list of rules. These rules, if stuck to 100% will deliver rapid and amazing results.
However, I don't make my plans for the 2% of people out there with wills of iron. I make my plans for real people; real people like you!
My plans have wriggle room, in that it is the individual who tweaks them to make them fit their life. YOU tweak the rules until they fit with your life. They will still make a difference because they are sensible, no-nonsense, honest rules that are easy to make sustainable. Because I am not selling a dream, I am selling the truth, because I am not selling an impossible 'diet' I am selling sustainability, stage 7 is achievable for everyone!

It isn't an easy path to traverse but with sensible, no-nonsense support that changes the way you think through education and straight talking, you can get there!
Where's your head at right now?
Krish x
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