I will start this post by saying I am a firm believer that
if you want something badly enough, you will find a way to make it happen.
I also believe that each and every one of you has the potential to do great things with CrossFit, if you approach it the right way.

But it seduces you.
It’s like falling in love, reluctantly, with a charming rogue. It starts by knocking you for 6 and confuses you. How can something that beats you up so bad be so addictive? How can something that, some days, makes you want to cry keep you coming back for more?
Because it seduces you.
But just as you can’t see the lovable rogue beyond the charming smile and sweet nothings, you stop being able to see CrossFit with any perspective. If you want to be good at CrossFit, you need a coach who will tell you the truth. Not a coach who will fluff your ego and tell you what you want to hear.
What we want to hear is: ‘You could be a really good competitor. You could get to regionals.’
When we are told this, it makes us feel warm and fuzzy and spikes our self-esteem.
But we are being seduced.
This is what it takes to go to the CrossFit Games: minimum 4-5 hours training a day, 6 days a week, every week, including daily mobility and weekly sports massage. Constant coaching and personalised programming to ensure perfect form across the board. Perfect genetics. Perfect nutrition, no deviations. No major muscle imbalances or mobility issues. Incredible mental fortitude and the ability to keep going when it sucks the biggest, fattest, hairy balls ever. Luck.

This is what it takes to be a good competitor in UK and European comps: minimum 1-2 hours training a day, 6 days a week, every week. Constant coaching and great programming to ensure perfect form across the board. Great genetics. Excellent nutrition, few deviations. No major muscle imbalances or mobility issues. Mental fortitude. Luck.
If you want to compete, you need to get real.
I believe in every single one of you and I truly believe that if you want something badly enough then you will find a way to make it happen. But, and this is a fuck-off massive but, you need to get real.

The reason we have the targeted warm ups in our gym is to help you address your gaps. For most of you, this will be enough. If you are serious about competing, it probably won’t touch the sides.
As your coach, I have a million resources at my disposal to help you achieve your goals, I know your movement, I know your imbalances and your deficiencies, but the case may be that you either need to come in more often, find a way to get to open gym every day or invest in a course of personal coaching to address particular issues.
Let me end with this: CrossFit is addictive and it is effective but it can mess with your head. Try not to get lured into the, ‘If I just worked a bit harder I could get to Regionals’ trap. You could, of course you could but don’t for one second underestimate the amount of work, dedication and sacrifices this would take. The training will not always be fun. Sometimes you will hate it. If you want to love CrossFit, think hard about where you want to go with it. Think seriously about why you are doing it.
And don’t let anyone flatter or beguile you into thinking you are Regionals ready, if only you had the right mix. If you are serious about competing, then you need to get serious and that starts with a brutally honest dialogue with your coach.
If you want to talk about competing seriously, then book an appointment to chat with me and we will come up with a plan.
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