If you listened to radio 4 last night, you would have heard a program about implicit bias. This is where your unconscious brain is bombarded with images and scenarios that it links together with neural pathways to create a subconscious picture of the world. You may be the most liberal-minded of people but if you are constantly shown images and news reports that paint the world or groups of people in a certain way, your unconscious brain makes links according to those images that then affect the choices you make and the behaviours you exhibit.

The media shows us regularly that men are leaders and women need rescuing. It often portrays women as image-obsessed cleaners, cooks and child carers. The media tell us that while we should aspire to having everything: a career, children, a sparkling social life, a beautiful, organsied home, delicious, healthy meals, perfect hair and flawless skin we are never quite going to measure up. While men can skip through life only having to worry about which beer goes with their facial hair before buying a new strimmer.
However emancipated be believe we are, we cannot help therefore but have implicit bias implanted in our brains. Assumptions are made subconsciously that women are less able to do certain tasks, they are to be less trusted in positions of power or rank. The world may be changing but we are a generation whose brains already have a neural network deeply embedded that says women are not as good as men.

And this is where CrossFit comes in!
In any CrossFit gym in any country around the world, you will find strong, single-minded, confident, competent women, easily out-performing some men, deftly demonstrating movements and lifts and techniques that, to everyone in that CrossFit gym, just seem normal.

People who do CrossFit are regularly exposed to these powerfully positive images and scenarios where women are respected as strong, independent and competent - equal to men.
These versions of the world are creating neural pathways where we have a chance to even out our subconscious bias and genuinely become more broad minded and open to new ideas. These are the images I want my kids to be bombarded with!
CrossFit delivers a positive image of everyone who takes part - be they thin or fat, tall or short, old or young, black or white, male or female.
If you are a feminist, you should be doing CrossFit and so should everyone you know!
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